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3 Natural Ways To Boost Your Energy

We've all had that feeling. Your body feels tired, and your mind can't take any more action. In fact, even just reading these words could be wearing you out. But I'm happy to share that there are ways to overcome the fatigue. We'll examine some holistic practices to help give your body the energy it needs to live life to its fullest!

Okay, let's jump right into it and get that energy flowing!

1. Hot and cold treatments

This invigorating practice will help you resets your nervous system, flush out toxins, reduce inflammation, increase blood circulation, and boost your immune system, need I say more? There are tons of spas that offer therapeutic water circuits, but you don’t need to spend a ton of money or own your own sauna or hot tub. It can be as simple as turning the water to cold at the end of your hot shower. I promise you’ll feel invigorated afterward! Start with 20 seconds and work your way up to a few minutes.

"Repeated cold stress may reduce fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) because brief exposure to cold may transiently reverse some physiological changes associated with this illness." - PubMed

For an added tip - check out Wim Hof for breathing practices to help you master the cold with ease

2. Movement

I know, it’s the last thing you want to hear when you’re feeling exhausted, but it turns out that adding movement into your day can immediately give you energy. Any type of movement will do the trick. Get outside for a walk, go for a run, turn on your favourite upbeat music, and dance in your living room!

3. Time your eating

Your body uses a ton of energy to metabolize all of the food we consume and needs a break to rest and digest in between. Aim for a 12-hour eating window, starting with breakfast within an hour upon rising, preferably with a healthy source of protein, fat, and fiber, and letting dinner be your last meal of the day, wrapping up 2-3 hours before heading to bed. It can look something like this:

7 am – Breakfast

12 pm – Lunch

6 pm – Dinner

*Healthy snacks in between when needed.

If you finish dinner by 7 pm, your body has a full 12 hours to rest and utilize energy storage before starting all over again the following day. We all need a break, even our stomachs!


Takeaway: You don't always have to reach for caffeine or sugary foods to get your energy back. You will be well on your way to having more energy with these simple solutions!

Needing support, you're in luck because that's my specialty! Schedule your discovery call here today! During our call, we can get to know each other better, discuss your goals and expectations, and explore how we can work together to achieve them.

Be well,



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